Page 2 - Lettre 70 EN
P. 2


    Mild winter and cold spring

    This spring, we continued the major
    work of maintaining the trellising,
    which began in the winter in the
    Clos de la Chapelle by replacing
    worn wires, positioning new posts
    and 330 headstocks. In March we
    bent the rods to guide our favourite
    As for the soil work and to conduct
    first scraping under optimum
    conditions, we mowed a significant
    quantity of grass in the rows. We
    were thus able to avoid heavy soil
    clods from tilling, a method that
    spared us one or two tractor passes
    and helped reduce soil compaction.
    Mechanical tillage is nevertheless
    essential since performs the initial
    breaks in surface crust of the soil.
    Depending on the weather, ano-
    ther pass through the soil with the
    inter-vine hoes, to avoid damaging
    the vine plants, will be performed
    around a fortnight later.
    Next, we proceeded to a thorough
    picking between the vines to eli-
    minate tall grass. At this point, the    The cover crop of the parcels is mowed prior to the initial scouring and picking
    grass is still relatively sparse, but   4 years where the tractor cannot   the fire! The most threatened were
    with the current weather conditions   operate yet so as to safeguard the   the whites. The Charlemagne and
    alternating between heat and rain, it   extremely fragile young vines. This   Puligny-Montrachet, which remained
    is growing apace and will compete   covers 1 hectare, which requires a   under scrutiny, did not need to
    with the vines if not kept in check.   considerable amount of time.   be lit, although the temperature
    So, it must be naturally suppressed   ♦              dropped to near zero.
    without any poisonous products   The threat of frost forecast for three   ♦
    through cutting and ploughing   nights in a row at the beginning of   In Vougeot, candles were lit at
    to be suffocated!         April encouraged us to prevent the   the tip of the Clos Blanc triangle.
               ♦              slightest risk. Ultimately, only one   Most importantly, we turned on
    Picking was also carried out in   night proved harsh, and on 5 April   the wind turbine installed for
    our four parcels of vines aged 3 or   everyone was on deck ready to light   the occasion at the bottom of the
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