
It’s time for desuckering !

  • 22 May 2024

The arrival of spring means that it is time to start desuckering in our Corton-Charlemagne vineyard. Also known as “disbudding”, this stage, which ensures the quality of future harvests, consists in removing superfluous shoots from the vine canes in order to concentrate the sap in the main shoots and thereby encourage optimum growth of the grape clusters.

This precise and meticulous work requires know-how and a great deal of patience on the part of our vinegrowers. It is carried out by hand, using pruning shears, taking care not to damage the fruit-bearing buds.

This intensive work in relatively wet weather conditions over the last few months, despite a short spell of late frost, is hugely beneficial in terms of the health and growth of our vines. This is one of the many tasks carried out in our particularly well-tended vineyard, which is sometimes described as “manicured”!

Family Domaine at the heart of Burgundy

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7bis, rue de l’Eglise
21700 Premeaux Prissey

+33(0)3 80 62 48 25
+33(0)3 80 61 25 44

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21640 - Vougeot
Burgundy - France
+33 3 80 61 06 10
+33 6 83 79 44 49

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